Khevin Carl Monloy
Country Coordinator (Philippines)
Brief info
I am Khevin Carl Monloy from Cebu, Philippines. I am a certified Public Accountant by profession, and I work with Adventist Hospital-Cebu, Inc. I am excited to wanted to join iCare so iShare because I share its vision. It is my long-term plan to host a group of children or young people to provide for their basic needs and eventually introduce Jesus to their lives.
I already have a picture of what it looks like as I was involved myself last 2020 to 2021 doing a similar ministry among the people in the streets. I know that there is a great opportunity for the work of iCare so iShare here in the Philippines, especially here in Cebu area. I want people to know Jesus Christ and His love for them. I want the people to feel that they are cared for by God through the help of the organization like iCare so iShare International.